In this episode:
Mike and Ed discuss how Thor may be acting as a “bodyguard” for important American scientists such as Dr. Donald Blake. Also, has Ant-Man not done as good a job as we have been told about eliminating the NYC mafia?
In this issue:
Thor recounts his own origin story to himself, while Jane Foster fantasizes about dating Thor. Meanwhile, a mob leader is freed by his gang before he can be taken to prison. He is shot while escaping, and his gang takes him to Dr. Donald Blake’s office for treatment under the radar. Blake saves the mobster and is about to be executed by the gang, but before that can happen, he transforms into Thor and takes the gangsters down.
Assumed before the next episode:
People are starting to notice that Thor is connected with mild-mannered Dr. Donald Blake.
This episode takes place:
After the mob leader Thug Thatcher has imperiled the life of Dr. Blake and been laid low by the might of Thor.
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