Super Serious 616 Presents: WHAT IF... Marvel was real
What If Marvel was Real?
Episode 93: Superhero Containment Plans (Journey Into Mystery #99) -- December 1963

Episode 93: Superhero Containment Plans (Journey Into Mystery #99) -- December 1963

In this episode:

Mike and Ed discuss apparent Thor’s turn to crime. The city seems to have a plan that they are putting into effect to stop the pagan god, but is it enough? This seems like the perfect opportunity to test superheroes against one another, and maybe even to use Donald Blake’s anti-Thor android against the real deal. Also, was Thor planning to break bad? If so, was that why he was allowing the military to test their weapons on himself?

Journey Into Mystery (1952) #99 | Comic Issues | Marvel

In this issue:

The villainous Mr. Hyde waits for Thor to leave the city before he puts his evil plan in motion. Previously, Mr. Hyde was Calvin Zabo, a con man who tried to rip of Dr. Donald Blake, who fired him before he had the chance to do so. This frustrated Zabo to the point of inventing a serum which gave him super strength, and a monstrous appearance. As Mr. Hyde, he breaks into Blake’s office and threatens the good doctor, before pushing him out the window to his certain death. Blake is, of course, the mighty Thor, and he changes into his godly persona to rescue himself. Mr. Hyde is disappointed to learn that Thor saved Blake (in a manner of speaking), and decides to seek revenge. Thor then, uncharacteristically, robs a bank, leaving New York City in the grip of terror.

Assumed before the next episode:

People are afraid of their former hero, Thor.

This episode takes place:

After Thor robs a bank.

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Super Serious 616 Presents: WHAT IF... Marvel was real
What If Marvel was Real?
What if... the Marvel Universe was real?
In 1961 the Fantastic Four revealed themselves to the world and everything changed. Mike and Ed discuss the in-universe implications of super powers, aliens, monsters and more. From how Avenger Insurance will pay for Thor's property damage to why Spider-man needs a new PR agency, its comic books discussions in a whole new way.
Every issue covered in the Marvel Universe from the very beginning.
Full backstory on every episode with transcripts at